Studio #500 California Building Northeast Minneapolis Arts District
cell 612 963 8853
Please feel free to contact me w/inquiries or to purchase my art.
Prints of some of my pastel work are available on Artful Home (follow “Find Me” above)
Gesture is important to me in both my paintings and my sculptural work. As evidence of the physical body within a work, it connects us deeply with the process of making and the physicality of the maker. I am interested in the capacity of the body to influence the mind and for me, physically producing work is at the center of feeling alive and an important part of this world. The artwork I make is reflective of the centered pursuit of a unified body and mind; dynamic yet quiet, strong and soft, hopeful. I explore ideas of balance, strength of center, and connection through form and color expression. I am curious about a calm mind in service of our physical beings-- freeing my own body in this world, my hands in the process, and the body of this work.
I have been practicing art and architecture in the Twin Cities area for 32 years and enjoy a sunny studio office in bustling Northeast Minneapolis. I studied Fine Arts, Dance, Chinese Language & Lit, and Architecture and have settled into a life which now involves most of those things.
Selected Exhibitions & Awards
Art-A-Whirl, Minneapolis, MN USA, 1330 Quincy Building, 2010-2017
People's Choice Award, NEMAA Fall Fine Arts Show, Minneapolis, MN USA, Solar Arts Building, 2016
Honorable Mention, MN State Fair Juried Fine Arts Show, St Paul, MN, USA, Fine Arts Bldg, MN State Fair Grounds, 2016
Third Place, Richeson 75 Figure/Portrait Juried Show, Kimberly, WI USA, Richeson Fine Arts, 2014
Honorable Mention, NEMAA Fall Fine Arts Show, Minneapolis, MN USA, Solar Arts Building, 2014